Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Today has been an eye opening day for me. Several times I found myself subconsciously on the threshold of breaking the "good wife's code to giving her husband a stress-free and peaceful Father's Day". Either by asking Dan to do something, complaining to him, or just plain nagging him about petty nothingness, it all threatened to taint the vibe of this special day that I was initially so eager to create. And then, fortunately, I somehow dug down deep, found the consideration to bite my tongue while thinking....just stop- it's Father's Day.

Or- how 'bout JUST STOP?

That's when the epiphany hit. I realized that if I treated every day a little bit more like Father's Day, and a bit less like an ordinary any day, my husband would without question see a kinder, happier, more gentle & loving wife. For me, this day set aside to honor my own father and husband took on a whole new meaning. Maybe we have these "holidays" not necessarily for the 24 hour celebratory pleasantries, but to remind us of how we're really supposed to be to one another. All the time. Perhaps if I try a bit harder to be my best self around Dan more than just one special day a year, he would be able to see the depth of my love for him more clearly. I mean, who really wants a stagnant, linear marriage relationship, anyway? Isn't (shouldn't?) one of the main goals in life to become better people? Better spouses? Better citizens? Better mothers? Better friends?

Of course...this doesn't mean I'm not allowed to gently remind the man about the age-old toilet seat feud. After almost 5 years of marriage, you'd think it would be easy to remember this one teensy little thing. I'm just sayin'.....


  1. LOVE This, Nicole...very well said (written)!

  2. Um... what do you mean by "linear"?

    More importantly - I have so much catching up to do! I had not even seen the new look yet! I love it!
