Monday, June 1, 2009

Bare Necessities

Is there anything worse than being out of olive oil, toilet paper, garbage bags, milk, eggs, diapers and toothpaste ALL AT THE SAME TIME? How did our family have such precise timing, that we would make these items extinct in our home simultaneously? This list alone will rack up over $100 at Costco. I hate money. Sometimes I think that if Adam & Eve never sinned "in the beginning", there would be no money, only lots of beautiful stores, and we'd just walk in with our lists, take what we need, and leave. And then when your neighbor was in need of anything, they'd just walk over, ask for what they need, and you'd cheerfully give it to them. Greed & selfishness have really ruined everything, haven't they?

In other news, here's Ella with her first pair of sunglasses. Notice how she is not smiling, and therefore not finding mommy & daddy's idea of sunglasses photo shoot even remotely entertaining.

p.s. Mom & Dad, if you are taking a break from your Aloha state of mind to periodically check in with my blog while you're away, I'll have you know I have been an EXCELLENT groundskeeper while you've been away, and I've been consistent about my watering duties. So....don't be mad at me if there's a couple plants that look a little less full of life. Let's chalk it up to your plants being attached to you and missing you terribly. Also, if you're looking for suggestions, a really great way to reward me for my efforts would be some chocolate covered macadamia nuts. Just trying to be helpful.

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