Saturday, May 9, 2009


I was taking a lovely drive today (all by MYSELF!) on this beautiful sunny afternoon, and hit some weekend traffic on my trek towards downtown S.Cruz. One of my biggest pet peeves is when we're all stuck in the jam together, we're all crawling along at a painful 25mph, and yet some people get really territorial and rude about letting another person "in" or allowing them to merge, etc-- as if letting this person in will then allow them to go any faster then the rest of us who have to endure the annoyance of a little weekend traffic. So silly. So, I try to make a conscious effort to let people in who have their blinkers on, blah blah blah. This happened today when I noticed a guy who had his blinker on for quite a while, and everyone was zipping by him in the "fast" lane, ignoring him. So, I slowed down and let him over. His window was down, so as he came over into my lane, I saw him slightly stick his head out of the window as he safely merged. I assumed, naturally, that it was to give me grateful nod, or perhaps a thankful wave or some sort of humble acknowledgment. But really, he stuck his head out the window so that he could SPIT. That's right. Spit. No nod, no smile, no wave, no nothing.

His mother would be SO disappointed in him.

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