Friday, November 13, 2009

Winds of Change

Winds of changeImage by sarniebill1 via Flickr
Thank you, legendary 80s band Scorpions. Because of you and your killer one-hit wonder song, I have an appropriate title for my post today.

The winds of change have been blowing around or perhaps just directly on me because in the last week I have done the following life-altering things:
  • Weaned the baby girl. On her birthday, to boot. I was fully prepared to breastfeed her for as long as she wanted, but then her crazy sharp teeth got involved, and subsequently deep (and incredibly painful) teeth marks were being left on my innocent flesh. I took that as a sign to wrap things up in the breastfeeding department. For the most part, it appears to have gone unnoticed, and she seems fine with this change. Sometimes she gets angry and yells at me a little bit, and we're not able to lay down together in my bed anymore (though I'm sure we'll be able to in a few weeks time), but thankfully she is very passionate about her sippy cup and boy oh boy, can that girl chug down some water! It's bittersweet- of course I miss that cozy time with her and I find that I'm asking myself 100 times a day "where did the time go?", but ultimately- I have my boobs back, and therefore quite a bit more freedom (cue George Michael's Freedom).
  • Weaning the baby girl = no more excuses to NOT join a gym. So I did! This has been one of the most monumental decisions of the past 4 years, and I don't mean that lightly. Something has clicked inside of me, and I knew that starting this "getting healthy" journey I'm embarking upon would not be legitimate until I was able to get to a place of No More Excuses. I've loved every second (more or less) of being a mommy these last 4 years, but I'm ready to take a step back and begin taking care of myself, nurturing myself, giving myself an outlet. I truly believe the greatest gift I can give those two precious children of mine is to take care of their Mama. I've begun the journey and it truly feels great. Next on the list: get pedicure for the first time in over a year.
  • On a side note: workout equipment and general gym culture have really changed in the last 4 years. Machines are more complicated, and people seem to be much more paranoid about their peers' sweat and germs. Bringing your own towel is of the utmost importance. Disinfecting your own equipment is standard protocol. Wearing your sports bra ONLY (as opposed to my "old school" standard of under my shirt) seems to be the new norm. I have also learned that working out in front of a TV (namely, The Ellen show) really speeds things up. Also, any cocky attitude I had was destroyed that first day the moment I attempted the stairmaster machine on anything over a level 1. Climbing flights and flights of stairs is serious business, and I plan on throwing a party the day I can advance past a level 3 on that machine.
  • Ben has twice in the last week attempted to take care of me with such intense concern for my well-being, I couldn't not include it on this list. Exhibit A: After I let out a giant yawn and sigh, Ben immediately looked at me and said,
"It's okay, Mommy. It's okay. I know you're really tired. Don't worry, we're going to go to bed really soon. It's okay Mommy. Everything will be fine."

Exhibit B: After overhearing me complain of sore working out muscles and bones, Ben said,  "Mommy, don't worry. I'm going to take good care of you and you will feel all better." When did he learn along the way that that's all a girl ever needs to hear?
  • Went to the girly doctor. You have that ONE procedure done. The one that sort of rhymes with "cap sneer". The one that's supposed to occur annually, but never really does (or at least, not in my world, as I'm a master of procrastination).  Oh man, was I ever apprehensive. I had the nervous sweaty palm sweats and everything. Also, I was way too overly excited to see my doctor when she walked in, which I hope she interpreted as flattering, but really could have been interpreted as ultra creepy. Who tells their Gyno, "It's SO GREAT to see you again!" and then beams with smiles and giggles? Who? Me, that's who. Anyway, I'm looking forward to twelve whole months of not having to do THAT again. (And for the record- my doctor's office covers the stirrups on that dreadful table with oven mits, which I find hilarious and bizarre. And somehow this makes me cringe just a teensy bit each time I take something out of my oven).
  • As a result of said doctor's appointment, I unexpectedly had my blood drawn for routine tests. This experience alone deserves its very own blog posting because the chain of events that occurred during this proceedure were some of the most hilarious and uncomfortable moments of my life. I'll just say this: my incredibly small, child-like, almost non-existent veins + my intense fear of needles + my tendency to black out because of heightened nerves because of fear of needles + very sweet but very inexperienced and bubbleheaded phlebotomist = 1 of 5 attempts successful and sore, bruised arms with lots of needle holes. Definitely not the highlight of my week.
    Speaking of the highlight of my week, I've got a down blanket, a great book, and a tall mug of hot chocolate waiting for me, a husband out, and two children and one dog sound asleep.
    The perfect Friday night.
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