Wednesday, November 18, 2009

(Almost) Lost in Translation

This morning, at breakfast table:

Ben: Mommy, why was that one daddy guy holding that baby and putting soil on her face? Remember?
Me (ever so perplexed): What, buddy? Soil? When?
Ben: When we went to church!
Me: Just the other day?
Ben: Yeah. Remember, there was the baby, and the soil? And on her head....
(*This continues for many more minutes, back and forth until....)
Me: Sweetie, I'm not sure what you're saying. Are you sure you know what soil is? Maybe you mean "SOUL"! Do you mean "soul"? (Because the word "soul" is obviously more likely to have been said during mass than "soil").
Ben: NOOOO! You know, SOIL on her HEAD? When that baby was getting APPETIZED?
Me: Ohhhhhh. I get it now. You are asking about the oil that was put on her head when she was getting baptized. Wow. You are one observant little Mister. And I will answer your question as soon as I quickly document and blog about this adorable moment.

And now if you'll excuse me, I need to begin Googling "soil on head + appetized + mass" and come up with some concrete answers for an unrelenting precocious 3-1/2 year old . I feel like I've just been given a pop quiz.

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