Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Small Dose of Tough Love

Dear Trader Joe's,

As you are well aware, I've got nothing but mad love for you. I've been faithful to you for years. You've seen me at my best. You've seen me at my worst. You've inspired hundreds of meals, and I'm sure over the years you've saved me hundreds of dollars. I've stood by you when others attempted to criticize you for your small, petty imperfections. I drive 3 whole towns away just to get to you. But we need to have a little chat which, frankly, is long overdue.

I'll make it quick and as painless as possible: if y'all can't get your produce act together, I may be forced to make a permanent switch to your arch nemesis market. You know the one. She's new in town, and rhymes with Bowl Dudes.

I try not to be a complainer, and I KNOW you know that I'm far from high maintenance, but is it too much to ask to provide fruits and vegetables that haven't sprouted mold just in the time it takes to bring them home? I mean honestly! I bought 1 lb. of your beautiful organic apricots yesterday afternoon, and used them all up this morning for this amazing treat, and I'm sure you can only imagine my disgust and disappointment when I discovered that close to half of the batch were riddled with mold on the inside. And don't even ask me to give you other examples which may or may not include your cherry tomatoes and strawberries. You should know better, Trader Joe's!

Remember, I'm trying to be gentle.

This brings my Tough Love reprimand to an end. I believe in you, and I know you are capable of greater produce. It's not that I want to leave you, but I also really don't want any more moldy foods. And so, if I may quote the Beatles, I believe We Can Work it Out.

Love & expectations,

P.S. Please don't ever raise your prices on your Trader Joe's Coastal Sauvignon Blanc. We give you two thumbs up in this department. In fact the two thumbs are so far up, that they almost come close to redeeming you for your moldy produce offenses. Almost.
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  1. I 2nd that!! And their tortillas are always moldy, too! I've had to bring them back twice. Well done lady.

  2. 1. I think you really should mail TJ's this letter. They need to know and might not have your blog address.
    2. You are funny, particularly when you are being tactfully critical.
    3. I tried to call you back and it rang and rang. WTF? Do you have a telephone internet connection or something? Who is so important that you wouldn't click over?

  3. Their produce is SO horrible! I second that.

  4. You are funny and you make me laugh.
