Sunday, October 4, 2009

Autumn Changes

Like the leaves whose colors are rapidly changing all around us, my hair also seems to be taking not-so-subtle cues from this Autumn season. Except- instead of changing into golden oranges and brilliant reds, my hair is slowly transforming itself from a deep dark brown into a dull white-ish gray, a few strands at a time. Sadly, its metamorphosis is not nearly as magical or breathtaking. And unlike those Autumn leaves, the white granny hairs are not found favorable around here.


  1. You WISH you knew what seasons were. (Which reminds me - come visit.) Oh, and I'm way ahead of you with the greys. Who knew? As soon as you think a fun experiment would be to check out what color your hair is naturally because you haven't seen it in 15 years... it's ugly brown with sexy grey streaks.

  2. P.S. Sadie is going to be a tiger for Halloween. Because that's what Calvin was and I'm a sucker for the hand-me-downs.

  3. don't fret, nicole. Life is better when you are older. plus, 40 is the new 20, which when u do the math, makes me right about 43 1/2. Yippee. With the smoke and mirrors technology has provided us with today, so far only hair dye and spanks, we can pretend for a lot longer than our parents did.
