Thursday, April 1, 2010


So, my new best friend "Lewis" from Larabar notified me that this blog post of mine somehow reached him in Larabar Land and he rewarded me by making me their "Fan of the Day"! THANKS, LEWIS! You can find me here on their blog site! I'm not even sure what it means but of course I'm thrilled and will be expecting flowers on my birthday and a christmas card from them from now on. At the very least, we'll probably get B.F.F. necklaces (remember those?). But seriously, it was a fun little surprise for this stay-at-home-Mama, and I'll far the highlight of my week. If my dreams do come true and they do end up sending me some bars, I promise you will all be the first to know. (Lewis, a.k.a. new Best Friend Forever, if you are reading this, keep in mind my deep love for coconut. However, also keep in mind I've yet to try any of the Jocalat varieties. But I trust your judgement implicitly).

Isn't the internet a crazy-wonderful thing?!
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  1. You haven't tried the Jocolat line yet? Are you crazy? RUN to the store to get them and may I recommend chocolate mole? DELICIOUS!! So cool you were their fan of the day!

  2. Since you've got an in now, can you encourage Lewis to have them make a nut-free Larabar one of these days? I feel a bit discriminated against.
