Friday, April 17, 2009

Where Jesus lives

So, in a continuing effort to be a better mother each day, I try to make before-sleep-time a positive and soothing time for Ben. He's one of those kids that, if I may quote our good friend Fr. Bryan, is "ruled by the passions", so at times the boy needs a bit of sweet smooth talking to calm him and get him ready to fall into a peaceful sleep. Trust me, I'm already praying for his wife.

So, the other day, he's laying in his bed and talking a mile a minute, telling me all about some scary moment in a movie (I should have never even allowed him to see in the first place). I proceeded to tell him that he doesn't need to be scared, because his mommy & daddy love him, and most of all, Jesus loves him. I was trying to convey that Jesus is with him at all times. Here's what went down:

Ben: Is Jesus here?
Me: Yes! He's always here, you know why? Because he lives in our hearts, right here (pointing to my chest, and then pointing to his chest)
Ben: Jesus is in your breast, Mama?
Me: Ummm....not exactly. He's in my heart. It's kind of close to my breast.
Ben: Ohhhhhhh. Jesus is in my nipple!

Ahhhh, I was so close to imparting such complex deep theological wisdom!
But instead he now he thinks Jesus is in his nipple, and promptly fell into a deep peaceful sleep.
I am one proud Mama.

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